

SbK is hosted by

The SbK project offers a collection of Open Source packages for Manjaro/Arch Linux/EndeavourOS and Debian and its derivatives.

    Gtk themes

    Kvantum (Qt) themes

    Lightdm themes

    Grub themes

    Icon themes based on Mint, Kora, and Flat Remix Icons.

    Gnome extensions.


    Packages built from the AUR for Manjaro.

All packages in the repository are created by one person, James Bielefeldt, the projects creator. They are signed with his key and no one else has the private key, or its passphrase. AUR packages have been checked prior to creating the package and hosting them in the repository.


In September 2021 the new repository went online. It is enabled in all releases after September 1, 2021. It is signed with a stronger gpg key than the original repository and will add additional security for users and the project. The new key will also sign all newly released iso's.

It contains all types of packages listed above that previously existed as well as all new packages the project creates. The repository packages are authenticated by the local package manager with a signature file and the public keyring preventing any changes to a package.

The new repository was enabled and the new key installed in all the SbK 21.1 releases and all releases going forward. If something goes wrong and Pamac or Packman error out because the key is not found open a terminal and as root or with sudo  enter:


This will add the key again and resign the repository. Some of the first 21.1 releases didnot have this script, you can download it here.

Adding the repository to older SbK spins and non SbK installs.

The repository can be added to Manjaro/ArchLinux by adding the following to your /etc/pacman.conf

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Server = http://repo.spinsbykilz.com/2/files/repository/stable/x86_64/

Since the repository is signed you will need to download and add the keyfile before installing packages. After downloading the key open a terminal and enter the following:

sudo pacman-key --add /path/to/downloaded/keyfile
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 620BB134B4239576


All project packages used in creating SbK Debian spins are hosted in the projects signed apt repository. All SbK spins from 8/1/23 forward will come with the repository enabled and the signing key installed.  You will need to add the key before using it in any other Debian based install. First download the key. Then open a terminal and type in the following
sudo cp /path/to/key/spinsbykilz-archive-stable.asc /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/spinsbykilz-archive-stable.asc
Changing "/path/to/key" to the location you downloaded the key to. Then hit enter.
After adding the key open up the /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following line.
deb http://debianrepo.spinsbykilz.com stable main
A reboot may be necessary, but in most cases everything should work.

Source Files

In the repository there are compiled files in packages with varying open source licenses. In order to comply with those licenses, and erring on the side of caution, I am making available all the source files for compiled packages here.  Few if any have been changed. Theme packages are not compiled and those packages contain all the source necessary to my knowledge.
