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Best Practices
Manjaro is a
wonderful OS. It is the base of
all SbK Manjaro spins to date.
That being said your experience
and enjoyment of the OS you
install is dependent on the
choices you make. Here are a few
things to keep in mind.
1. All SbK spins are based on the
Stable branch of Manjaro. They are
that way because stability has its
benefits. Number one is that the
packages have been tested several
times while moving from Arch, to
Manjaro Unstable, to Manjaro
Testing, to Manjaro Stable. Bugs
have been removed along the way.
You may not get the bleeding edge
new packages. Though most of the
time Stable packages are only a
few weeks older than Unstable. You
can always change the branch to
Unstable or Testing. But before
you do think long and hard on how
much tolerance you have for bugs
and your technical ability to fix
those bugs. Is it worth the work
or should you just wait a short
amount of time? For those new to
Linux, stay on Stable unless you
absolutely need a specific piece
of software to make your computer
2. All SbK spins use the latest
LTS or Long Term Support kernel.
The reason is stability. Newer
kernels are available, but most of
the time not LTS kernels.
Most of the time they are ok but
some may be marked experimental.
Kernels are mostly for hardware
support. Stick to the LTS kernels
unless you absolutely need a newer
kernel to support specific
hardware. Should you want to try a
newer kernel leave the LTS one in
place, do not remove it. Keeping
two kernels is a good idea. If the
new kernel has issues with your
hardware or a bad update you can
then boot into the LTS
3. The AUR. One of the biggest
advantages of running Manjaro is
the AUR or Arch User Repository.
You can install packages that are
built from source on your machine.
That being said, AUR packages are
not supported by Manjaro or Arch.
Be careful of what you install. A
lot of the time AUR packages rely
on AUR package dependencies. Those
dependencies may be added by
different people with different
rates of updates, or have
requirements missing from some
packages even though they are
needed. That may be ok if what you
installed is an application, the
application may just stop working.
Never ever install system
components from the AUR unless
absolutely positively necessary
for your system to function. If
you do and update while some
updates are held back you may end
up with a broken system. For less
experienced Linux users AUR system
components should be avoided like
the Bubonic plague. Because AUR
packages are not supported, fixing
any issues are the responsibility
of the user. If forced to use AUR
system components it is very
highly advised to leave timeshift
and timeshift-autosnap installed
and on, read #4.
4. All Sbk Spins come with
timeshift and timeshift-autosnap
installed. Timeshift then takes a
snapshot of your system before all
upgrades. The advantage is that if
an update fubars your system its
relatively easy to roll back to a
working setup. You can uninstall
timeshift or prevent it from
taking snapshots, but think long
and hard before doing so.
5. Snaps and Flatpacks are not
installed when you install the
system. It is up to the user if
they want to install them. But
understand that when you do, if
you install them from some third
party website they may not work.
Linux software is built against
libraries. The libraries may be
the same in different
distributions, they may be
named differently or they may be
different versions. Snaps and
Flatpacks are supposed to avoid
this by bundling the libraries the
application needs with it. But
this isnt always the case. If you
get an error saying the
application cant find
"insertnamehere".so its because of
this problem. Just uninstall it
and look in the repositories or
AUR. Never ever install system
components with Snaps and
Flatpacks, The most common is
audio components.
1. All SbK debian releases are
rolling release and follow the
testing branch. The nice thing
about that is you never have to
upgrade to a new release and the
software never becomes out of date
like software in static releases
do. The downside is its updated a
lot. Its a good idea to keep up on
updates. At least once a day
update the system if updates are
2. All SbK spins use the latest
Debian kernel. Newer kernels may
become available. Kernels are
mostly for hardware support. Newer
kernels support newer hardware.
Should a newer kernel become
available , do not remove all the
old ones. Keeping two kernels is a
good idea. If the new kernel has
issues with your hardware or a bad
update you can then boot into a
older kernel.