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  Debian Themes
The project offers a collection of theme packages in the repository for Debian Linux, they should work in other Debian based distros but have not been tested for that. While the themes are named for the desktop and spin they were designed for, they should work for any other desktop except for KDE.
 Each spin released, so far, has a unique theme. The theme consists of the same grub, lightdm, desktop wallpaper, KvSpin, and icon theme.
 KvSpin and later SpinThemes consist of a kvantum and similar gtk theme in one small package. This allows users to use both Qt and Gtk apps that have a similar appearance.
Users can install the kvspinmeta package to get all the Kvantum, Gtk, and icon themes. Themes are added to this package once an iso release version series is complete.

All images on this website are watermarked "SpinsbyKilz.com". This will not appear in the installed theme.
Originally used in: SbK LXQt 823
Grub: sbk-grub-theme1
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian-conf-823
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkPurple7
Icons:  KoraSpin-Purple5 (KoraSpin- package)
Wallpaper: kenrick-mills-NJtPiWB3ADY-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-823 package)
Notes:  A Purple7 firefox theme is available

Originally used in: SbK LXQt 923
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-lxqt-923
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian--lxqt-conf-923
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkAqua14
Icons: KoraSpin-Aqua5 (Koraspin-923 package)
Wallpaper: marek-piwnicki-ixcL_Nresvc-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-923 package)
Notes: A Aqua14 firefox theme is available

Originally used in: SbK Cinnamon 923
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-cinnamon-923
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian--cinnamon-conf-923
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkMint9
Icons:  KoraSpin-Mint6 (Koraspin-923 package)
Wallpaper: jr-korpa-mJ2z5R26zV0-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-923 package)
Notes: A
Mint9 firefox theme is available

Originally used in: SbK XFCE-Compiz 923
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-xfce-923
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian--xfce-conf-923
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkTurquoise8
Icons: KoraSpin-Turquoise6 (
Koraspin-923 package)
jeremy-bishop-UjgzSsp-czY-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-923  package)
A Turquoise8 firefox theme is available

Originally used in: SbK LXQt 1023
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-lxqt-1023
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian-lxqt-conf-1023
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkPurple9
Icons: KoraSpin-Purple7 (
Koraspin-1023 package)
jr-korpa-0FaLRRbujMU-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-1023 package)
Notes: A Purple9 firefox theme is available.

Originally used in: SbK Cinnamon 1023
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-cinnamon-1023
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian-cimmamon-conf-1023
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkPink9
Icons: KoraSpin-Pink9 (
Koraspin-1023 package)
alexander-grey-om4O_x_qWD8-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-1023 package)
Notes: A Pink9 firefox theme is available.

Originally used in: SbK Talking Mate 1023
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-talking-mate-1023
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian-talking-mate-conf-1023
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkTeal7
Icons: KoraSpin-Teal (Koraspin-1023 package)
Wallpaper: jr-korpa-NDUjrvZKMeE-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-1023 package)
Notes: Has an active screen reader to help people with vision issues. A Teal7 firefox theme is available.

Originally used in: SbK XFCE-Compiz 1023
Grub: sbk-grub-theme-xfce-1023
Lightdm: lightdm-spins-debian--xfce-conf-1023
KvSpin: SpinThemeDarkLime8
Icons: KoraSpin-Lime5 (
Koraspin-1023 package)
jr-korpa-o4vzs0SgLLU-unsplash.jpg (Unsplash-1023  package)
A Lime8 firefox theme is available