
SbK is hosted by

 Firefox Themes
These themes are color matched to Desktop, Gtk and Kvantum themes released by the project. They are covered by the GPL v3 license.  They are all checked and signed by Mozilla.
They have been tested in Firefox and Waterfox, though they should work in any Firefox fork. Just click on the theme image to download the theme, go to where you saved it and right click on the file, select open with Firefox or another Firefox based browser. The browser will ask if you want to install the theme.

Unfortunately the original page got to big. It is now split A-M and N-Z

SbK Dark Olive

SbK Dark Olive2

SbK Dark Olive3

SbK Dark Olive4

SbK Dark OliveNC2

SbK Dark Olive5

SbK Dark Orange3

SbK Dark Orange4

SbK Dark Orange5

SbK Dark Orange6

SbK Dark Orange7

SbK Dark Orange8

SbK Dark Peach

SbK Dark Peach2

SbK Dark Peach3

SbK Dark Peach4

SbK Dark Peach5

SbK Dark Peach6

SbK Dark Pink4

SbK Dark Pink5

SbK Dark Pink6

SbK Dark Pink7

SbK Dark Pink8

SbK Dark Pink9

SbK Dark Pink10

SbK Dark Pink11

SbK Dark Pink12

SbK Dark Purple2

SbK Dark Purple3

SbK Dark Purple4

SbK Dark Purple5

SbK Dark Purple6

SbK Dark Purple7

SbK Dark Purple9

SbK Dark Purple10

SbK Dark Purple11

SbK Dark Purple12

SbK Dark Purple13

SbK Dark Purple14

SbK Dark Red6

SbK Dark Red7

SbK Dark Rose3

SbK Dark Rose4

SbK Dark Sand3

SbK Dark Sand4

SbK Dark Sand5

SbK Dark Slate2

SbK Dark Tan

SbK Dark Tan2

SbK Dark Tan3

SbK Dark Tan5

SbK Dark Tan6

SbK Dark Tan7

SbK Dark Tan9

SbK Dark Teal6

SbK Dark Teal7

SbK Dark Teal8

SbK Dark Teal9

SbK Dark Teal10

SbK Dark Teal11

SbK Dark Teal12

SbK Dark Teal13

SbK Dark Teal14

SbK Dark Teal15

SbK Dark Turquoise

SbK Dark Turquoise3

SbK Dark Turquoise4

SbK Dark Turquoise5

SbK Dark Turquoise6

SbK Dark Turquoise7

SbK Dark Turquoise8

SbK Dark Turquoise9

SbK Dark Turquoise10

SbK Dark Violet

SbK Dark Violet2

Spins by Kilz is hosted by Tuxfamily.com